Engineering at iron and steel works is a complex of engineering consultative services aimed at newly launched metallurgical plants, enterprises that reorganize their production cycle and companies that want to improve their degree of efficiency at different technological levels.

As a result of business relations with customers from Russia and the CIS countries, and the partners from Poland, Germany, Great Britain, and India, “ETM” enterprise has great resources of prominent technical solutions regarding steelmaking processes and operational processes of main steelmaking equipment. The team includes specialist skilled as the chiefs of steel shops at the biggest plants of Russia and the CIS countries. Many staff members have been working in iron and steel industry for more than 10-15 years. “ETM” also can use the experience of world-famous companies, such as ThyssenKrupp AG, ArcelorMittal, Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH, and appeal to trained specialists of different areas, who have practical engineering experience at European and the CIS metallurgical plants.
“NLMK” PJSC, “Severstal” PJSC, “MMK” PJSC, “Azovstal” PJSC, “Illich Iron and Steel Works” JSC and many other enterprises are our customers in multiple business areas. We also established close contacts with our foreign partners – IFGL Refractories Ltd, Monocon, Intocast AG, Alsical and Ropczyce S. A.
Since 2010 “ETM” company has been realizing its consulting projects of different range in technical auditing and engineering of steelmaking process at metallurgical plant. Implementation of programs for efficiency improvement proves possible increase in technical-and-economical rates at minimum 5-15%.
Flexible approach and efficiency of “ETM” specialists allow suggesting certain solutions, which don’t have equivalents on the territory of Russia, while providing guaranteed cost advantages.
A minimal service package consists of audit and estimation of technological processes state, as well as engineering and designing services with pointing certain potential effect per each suggestion.
Extending its range of services, “ETM” company offers technical support during implementation of solutions, starting from projecting the design documentation and to the stage of technical and economic analysis of practically obtained results.
Large-scale and interesting projects lead our company to unconventional approach to distribution of duties between participants of implementation process. Depending on amount of financing, “ETM” can function as co-investor in suggested project or invest in it completely. Aiming to reduce any risks of the Customer, it is possible for our company to realize the projects on basis of post payment after practical evidence of promised effect is proved.