Products and raw materials for iron and steel industry

ServicesLaboratory Research

Laboratory Research

“ETM” LLC has its own laboratory and can control quality of output products and analyze content and properties of finished goods according to the standards and specifications.

The laboratory performs comprehensive studies for the industrial enterprises of the corporate group and provides services for testing materials and products of refractory and construction industries for outside organizations.

The laboratory is equipped with modern high-tech measuring and testing equipment, which is subject to periodic maintenance, but also to regular calibration and metrological certification. The list of equipment includes Italian hydraulic press, grinder, filter photometer, German X-ray spectrometer, American carbon gas analyzer, heating microscope, which is only in the quantity of three in Russia, and many other equipment necessary to ensure high quality, accuracy, reliability, and objectivity of the performed tests.

The activities of the research center in the field of quality management meets the requirements of quality standard ISO 9001: 2008. Certificate, issued by the certification company TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH, gives evidence of the proper functioning of the system.

General list of services, rendered by the laboratory, includes research in the following activities:

  • Control of chemical composition of samples.
  • Control of total and combined carbon and sulfur.
  • Sample preparation and control of particle size distribution of materials.
  • Identification and control of physical and mechanical properties of samples.
  • Determination and control of melting temperature of materials.
  • Moisture analysis of materials.
  • Determination of fluoride in the samples.